
Create your Site.

Hello, most of you know me as .......this is the zine/paper......
current articles are.....you can get to them my clicking on the current articles button above.....

as the school year starts we will:

*print the first issue!
---we will most probably have it up on the site as well!

*set up a discussion board for topic talking

*see what the readers think

Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements
Another idea for my home pageâ‚„s text is notifying visitors about the enhancements I put on my site. For example, I want visitors to sign my guestbook or fill out my survey Form E-mailer to answer questions about my site, my business, or my siteâ‚„s topic.

Getting Rich Quickâ‚€From My Site!
I might not want a large amount of text on my home page if I want to guide visitors toward my other pages. Instead of text, I can add othersâ‚„ buttons to this first page, and Iâ‚„ll be rewarded for people who click on the buttons. For example, if a visitor signs up for a Visa using the NextCard button on my site, I earn at least !

Behind the Scenes of My Home Page
Even if I donâ‚„t put much text on my home page, itâ‚„s a good idea to include hidden tools that will help me promote my site, so people other than my friends and family actually see it. For example, I could add meta tags, which are hidden codes that allow search engines to find my site. I could also install stats and a counter so I know how many people are visiting. If not many are visiting, submitting my site to search engines will guide more traffic to my site.